Liverpool, 12-13 March 2025
Call for Speakers
Do you have experience to share that could inspire and educate others in cultural income generation? If so, we’d love you to present a session at the Cultural Enterprises Conference in March 2025.
We want to hear about the creative ways you drive income at your venue, and what you’ve learned from it – especially new and innovative revenue streams. We’re interested in all areas of commercial activity, as well as areas such as leadership, inclusivity and sustainability, and we’re keen to hear from all types and sizes of cultural organisations.
All speakers receive one free day at the Conference, where you’ll meet over 600 colleagues from across the sector.
To apply, simply give us the topic and title of your proposed session together with a short summary. Keep in mind your content must have educational value, with real life experience and practical takeaways for your audience. We’re open to shorter, punchy sessions, and we also welcome joint applications, so consider teaming up with a colleague or a supplier.

For anyone thinking about speaking at the conference, I would absolutely encourage you to – the creative ways you drive income at your venue will be of huge use to others and you’ll be amazed at the connections you make and knowledge you gain.
Matthew Henderson, Consultant