Sunday 1 December 2024

Museum Shop Sunday

Museum Shop Sunday is our international campaign to highlight the vital role of retail in helping arts, cultural and heritage venues to survive and thrive. Once a year over 2,000 visitor attractions worldwide come together to showcase their fantastic shops and products with special events and promotions in store and online.

Museum Shop Sunday is a great opportunity to grow awareness of your shop, tell the stories behind your products and makers, engage with new audiences and boost sales.

Follow #MuseumShopSunday on Instagram

The international movement Museum Shop Sunday is such a great sector wide feel good promotion of all our beautiful heritage shops. Our cultural enterprise sector rocks!

Rebecca Hossain, Director of Commercial & Operations, Sir John Soane’s Museum

Museum Shop Sunday is brought to you by the Association for Cultural Enterprises in partnership with the Museum Store Association in the US, and the Museum Shops Association of Australia and New Zealand.

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