Cultural Enterprises Podcast

The Cultural Enterprises Podcast is a place to think about your role in Cultural Enterprises – what’s the latest thinking in the sector, and how can you learn from the experiences of others?

Series 1 covered buying, eCommerce, evaluation, leadership, strategy, and how trading is seen by the wider organisation.

Series 2 saw presenter Gabriela Gandolfini chat to top leaders in the cultural enterprises sector to find out how they got to where they are, what inspires them, and what advice they have for the next generation of leaders?

Series 3 is part of the Association for Cultural Enterprises’ Year of Digital and will focus on a range of topics, from Front of House to Mental Health, helping you consolidate, create and renew, as the sector opens up again following the most challenging year it has ever faced.

Series 4 is called Journeys. Inspired by her own journey, Association for Cultural Enterprises’ Chief Executive, Jill Fenwick, chats to sector leaders about their own personal journeys – how did they get to where they are, what advice do they have for the next generation, and how do they see the future of the sector, post-pandemic?

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