Services and Consultancy
Montfort Catering Consultants
Montfort Catering Consultants is an established, innovative and trusted independent catering consultancy, delivering commercially sustainable and culturally sympathetic catering destinations across the cultural and leisure sectors.
Catering Consultancy Services and Support
Catering Strategy and Feasibility Studies – often working as part of multi-disciplinary teams, we ensure your new or redeveloped catering has a leading advantage.
Concept Development and Placemaking –by integrating your hospitality offer with your programme and culture, we ensure a strong commercial return for your venue café, restaurant or bar.
Catering Operational Assessment and Financial Analysis – improving the performance and visitor experience of existing catering operations. As part of this we also undertake management options appraisals as well as reviewing and managing existing catering contracts and operators.
Catering Operator Tendering, Letting and Management – full catering tender management from search, selection and appointment to soft market tests and informal intros. Solutions are bespoke – across cultural attractions we are placing culturally compatible hospitality partners.
Catering Design Support – practical design application to ensure operational efficiency and integration with wider placemaking initiatives.
Our hospitality consultancy services have advised and supported leading cultural and leisure attractions with the development of their cafes, restaurants, bars and hospitality services including V&A, Museum of the Home, Hatfield House & Estate, Silverstone Museum, SS Great Britain, Paisley Museum & Gallery, Scottish Opera, Black Country Living Museum, RWA, Hackney Empire, Eureka! Discovery+Science, Nottingham Contemporary and Phoenix Arts Centre.
Whether you are planning new or redeveloping existing catering operations and need support with defining what type of visitor catering you should provide and its financial viability, or just need a quick confidential conversation about the performance of an existing café or restaurant, we would be delighted to support you. | 020 36677286