
The Association for Cultural Enterprises is a Climate Positive Team.

What does this mean?

We’ve partnered with Earthly, who specialise in effective ways for businesses to invest in the fight against climate change, using science-backed natural solutions.

As a small team, working remotely across the UK, the Climate Positive Team accreditation suited our way of working best. We pay a fee every month based on our team’s size, working hours, and lifestyle as remote workers, based on average carbon emissions in the UK and on the information we’ve provided to Earthly.

The Association has chosen to back a Verified Carbon Standard project in Peru, which protects an endangered part of the Amazon rainforest. This means we can be confident the money we spend goes directly to projects aimed at reducing and capturing greenhouse gases.

Furthermore, the Cultural Enterprises Conference & Trade Show 2022 in Glasgow was our first Climate Positive Event.

We believe this is only the start of our sustainable journey. We will be looking for other ways to ensure that at the heart of our charitable mission is a long-term sustainable future for our organisation, our membership, and the planet.

Climate Positive Team

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